Attention! We have had to merge our healthlink, check for the updated address. We have updated the healthlink register.

Your Tasmanian Sport and Exercise medical specialists.

Our Services.


Sport and exercise medicine covers the non-surgical management of a variety of musculoskeletal injuries and disorders, and the use of exercise for rehabilitation and in disease management and prevention. We provide services to sporting clubs and organisations promoting physical activities, these services include medical screening and assessment, injury prevention programs and event coverage. We pride ourselves on having both a broad spectrum of treatment options and the ability to choose treatments that are appropriate for each individual. Because we are medically trained doctors, we can provide treatments not available through allied health providers, including a range of ultrasound guided procedures. We work hard to keep up with the latest science and the evidence for what truly works treatment wise.




We understand that many of our patients live in places other than Hobart. We have certainly considered setting up satellite clinics but at this stage we feel the best model of care for those living further afield is for us to assess you in person in Hobart at the first consultation, and then manage you via Telehealth if appropriate.

When you have a valid referral you can claim a medicare rebate on your consultation and some procedural fees. At this stage you can expect around a third of your costs to be rebated. Unfortunately medicare rebates have lagged behind the CPI for many years, so the gap has slowly increased. We do not automatically forward your claim to medicare, you can claim the rebate via your MyGov app.

Private health cover does not apply to our fees as we are doctors and our services are not provided in a hospital setting.

Federal government legislation precludes us from discussing some of our procedural services online, if you are looking for a specific service we suggest you contact our reception staff before making an appointment with us.